
Software, Electronics, Tutorials & Solutions for Retro and Modern

Welcome to RobSmithDev!

I've listed all of my videos below in date order, alternatively, visit my YouTube Channel to view them from there.

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Lets Code Santa's Present Drop Game on the Amiga (AMOS)

This is the first part in a series showing how I converted an iPhone and HTML5 game to the Amiga in AMOS.

I will explore each stage with you along with the pitfalls as we stumble upon them.

How I Prepare DrawBridge PCBs for Slimline Drives

A video showing the steps I take from receiving the PCBs to sending them out. (Visit DrawBridge Website).

When the PCBs arrive they are just a PCB with the chips on them, and afterwards they're fully programmed, wired, tested and ready to go.

Using Multiple Real Floppy Drives on WinUAE (contains flashing images)

I spent literally months figuring how to add support for *real* floppy disk drives in WinUAE. It started with my DrawBridge solution (Arduino reader/writer) and later, once it was stable I decided to add support for Greaseweazle. This is also supported in Amiberry.

This video shows how this project (FloppyBridge) will soon be available in the official WinUAE build. I will be continuing improving this solution as new inspiration comes, so please support me!

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